
and it's hard to hold a candle
2002-07-11 - 1:01 p.m.
i feel good today

prestently listening to:

intentions to:

soberity level:

today i realized that i am only content with my room when my life is content. maybe its the other way around...that sounds like an OCD. but i have no Obsevise Compolsive Disoder.

when ever i'm a mess, emotionally, my room is never clean enoutgh. i can move stuff, throw stuff away, but it'll never be good enough, theres never enough time i always think.

today i am happy with my room. it feels good to sit in, comfortable. i just cleaned it earlier this week, when i was less enthusiastic. i feel better, my room is clean and feels good. today i'm content.

i don't remember alot of days like this. but today i do feel, better. thats crazy. i feel better. i can't remember saying that before. my life is in order right now.

i feel good.

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in the cold November rain