
and it's hard to hold a candle
Friday, Oct. 11, 2002 - 6:22 pm
Batly, Eureka's castle

prestently listening to:"g-give it up now! g-give it up now!" homegrown stuck in my head

intentions to: get off-line now!

soberity level: still need weed

my names Batly and i eat bugs. i don't like kisses and i don't like huggs. for my birthday, send me slugs. my names Batly and i eat bugs.

batly was a Eueka's Castle character that was totally emo. he was, yes, a bat. he always complained that no one liked him and he wore thick black framed glasses. i liked him. i just searched for what seemed days for an image of him. not ONE found.

BIG thanks to [email protected]

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