
and it's hard to hold a candle
Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2002 - 11:50 pm
LSD or am i just strange?

prestently listening to:shhh, the junkie bunnys are whispering

intentions to: sleep, sleep my pretty

soberity level: uh oh, you hear that?

i've been bit by a unicorn and i think i'm beginning to halucinate as i have found resting on my right knee Satan himself in the form of a 2 and 1/2 inch smurf figurine. musint think of ridance of satan. satan sees all. he can see my thoughts. must think stone. still. pure. act natural like toadstool. uh oh. i've sliped to the floor in puddle form melted to a puddle slowly now slowly satan hasn't noticed now focus, focus focus on form focus the blur smear fuzzy and hazed fogged steam room. suspended mist-like fog hanging floating riseing to my room must make it into my bed the ride will end when i get to bed rest my head heavy heavy soaked with thoughts words visions of sugar plums dance in my head caught in flames screaming for the fire breathing bunnys with fluffy pink cotton tails. how do they breath out flames without burning thier wiskers? STD rotten infected junkie bunnys, good night.

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in the cold November rain