
and it's hard to hold a candle
Friday, Nov. 01, 2002 - 1:40 pm
damn dido

prestently listening to:read on

intentions to: .

soberity level: ...

i forgot to mention, maybe it was a subconcious action...

ian called last night. i missed his call and he laft a message wishing me a happy halloween. he knows its my favorite holiday.

that was nice of him.

i called him back and wished him the same. he said he was headed to the castro as was i.

it was a short, sweet conversation.

i didn't think to mention it till 'our song' just came on the radio.

thank gawd Bad Religion just came on next. this song reminds me of greg.

i just shed a single tear writing this.

do i miss him? i miss having someone close like we were. its hard to find a quick, temporary replacment for someone whom you spent over 2 years bonding with.

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in the cold November rain