
and it's hard to hold a candle
Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2003 - 9:13 am

prestently listening to:huh?

intentions to: huh?

soberity level: DOLLAR BEERS!!! WHOOO!!! ya i'm hung over a lil

duude. dollar beer nights. lets hear it for dollar beers!!! alright. i got FUCT up last night! i kept chasing this boy around because i thought it was one of BPs friend, but it wasn't. so, stevie, roomies and i walked to the mission and got loaded. i spent maybe, 5 bucks. beat that! some were around 12 i think, i dubed myself drunk and usless and stacy wanted frech fries, so, we walked to my car at steves place and drove to In&Out Burger. good ol drunken munchies. i drove stacy back to her house and went home.

did i mention i was drunk? baaaaad idea on my part. yet another evening passed without disater, but its getting close, i can feel it. BP returned my call, left me to drive safley and then called later to see i got home ok, i think. i don't really remember to be prefectly honest. i was really drunk last night. no more of this driving drunken-ness. bad news all over.

but, hey...DOLLAR BEERS!!! WHOOO!!!

i heart stevie. tonight in red red wine night in SF with Jere-butt. Mr. Friend. so many alcohol dates, so little liver.

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in the cold November rain