
and it's hard to hold a candle
Sunday, Jan. 26, 2003 - 4:53 pm
fishes=fun times

prestently listening to:vicky file cards

intentions to: get high

soberity level: never drinking again. not for atlest 3 days

BP and i went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium yesterday! i heart fishes. my favorite part was the jelly fish exhibit. the make it all dim and play soothing music in that section. jelly fishes are really quite beautiful when they are in the water. i'd only seen them washed up on shore or on TV before. neat. usually my favorite part of this place is the sting ray petting zoo but this turned out to be the saddest part of the trip. in this big petting pool, all 10 or so of the rays lay on top of each other in the furthest corner from arms each. they made me sad for them. we saw penguins snuggling with thier keepers, that was nice. who know penguins where cuddley? after the aquarium my co-worker called me to remind me i was 20 mins late for my shift that night. i was 2 hours from my work place and i'm 20 mins late. i felt soo bad for forgetting this shift that i agreed to pick up 2 weeks ago.i got real quiet and lost my appetite. later that night i was playing drinking games and rememberd why i eat: so i don't puke when i drink. i puked all this morning at Renee's house from 6am to 8am and then tried to drive home from BP's. i had to pull over to puke on 85. i guess BP is sick with a fever at home. not much to look forward to in the getting well depot.

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in the cold November rain