
and it's hard to hold a candle
2001-09-26 - 12:14 a.m.

prestently listening to:

intentions to:

soberity level:

i hate boys.

is anyone else this confused?

not about boys nessicairly...i'm just really confused.

my heads such a mess, i just wanna go to sleep. but whats the fun in waking up in that same mess(?).

if i could go to sleep right now, and wake up in some one elses mess, i think i'd be gratful.

not that i have it too bad off, but, its like doing a puzzle, and you just can't seem to find a single damn peice to match any more. you gotta just step back, watch some TV, eat, call a firend...somthing. that way you can go back and stare at that same puzzle and be okay with it again...for a while.

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