
and it's hard to hold a candle
Saturday, Dec. 06, 2002 - 10:13 am
late for class? me?

prestently listening to:mr. frank young

intentions to: take notes? nah.

soberity level: huh?

smothered in guilt 5 mins to class, i unwillingly awoke to my telephone ringing most obnoxiously. i'm so late to start today. oh no, Brandon. i kept him with me till 3 am full well knowing ha had to work early the next day. (what a way to care, huh?)

i turned my stubborn computer on, coaxing it with sweet nothings as it booted up. (may i add how impressed i was that it allowed me internet access today? only when i have no time for on-line madness does my computer allow me the opportunity) no e-mail from him. i gave him that letter. i can't believe i gave it to him. 3 pages of journal writing scratched in pen. stoopid computer! if the damned thing worked i'd never have a hard copy of these thoughts. this is why i keep things on-line, intangible. i can't give things away i can't touch myself.

oh dear.

i called to apologize for keeping him up so late "i stayed on my own free will" we searched for a 24 hour Laundromat to do my laundry at. one hour later, we ended our search, fruitless in my apartment's own laundry room. booh.

i raced to school this morning still cringing at what little light crept from the cloud-covered skies.

the crisp cool December air seemed still as i dashed across the parking lot, across the traffic-less street. i descended the stairs to the school courtyard to find all of all of 3 students in sight. the foggy haze begged me to ask myself if this was a dream.

where is everyone?

damn, philosophy class is still here waiting for me. Karma, Nirvana...i wonder how i did on that essay i turned in late. it was truly a P.O.S. if i do say so myself.

Optimism vs. Pessimism ~Frank Young (my philosophy teach)

"a pessimistic boy awakes Christmas morning to a mound of new toys, none of which are what he wanted or good enough in any respect. a optimistic boy awakes to a large pile of manure and smiles as he searches his house for a pony."

that is fabulous friends.

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in the cold November rain