
and it's hard to hold a candle
2002-08-06 - 6:58 p.m.
i'll move my car, right up your ass!!!

prestently listening to:

intentions to:

soberity level:

why am i soo mad?

let me tell you why. its because i like you. its because i like you and, you know there is nothing i hate more than disrespect. you know that and you should understand that because your the same way! you called me with not so much of a salutations and went right into how i "can't leave your (my) car there...i mean, your not even here". you didn't ask why it was there. it was there for 3 fucking hours! i had a good reason too. you made me feel like an asshole. you made it look like i was disrespectful to you and your home. you hurt my feelings greg. i wasn't being disrespectful and it hurts that thats the first thing you thought. wheres my respect? you hurt my feelings. i hate to get all fucking first grade about it, but you really hurt my feelings and i deserve an apology. i bought a bottle of stoli for us to drink tonight. i thought about calling you around noon today just to say 'hello'. so, where am i left? with a bottle of stoli and a broken heart for the night. fuck off.

i guess this is good. now i'll reconsider how much admiration i feel for you? maybe your not the most outstanding icon of respect, loyalty and whatever else i thought you were. i've thought so highly of you till now. its not your fault i thought you were so great, i'm not scolding you for not living up to the standards i thought you kept, i'm, just, disapointed. i'm disapointed in myself for keeping myself blind. i'm disapointed in your actions as my friend. i'm sorry that i expected better from you. and i truely apologize for my expectations being higher than fair.

i don't think i'm wrong for being upset. maybe its not rigt for me to be as upset as i am, but thats my doing, thats my crush.

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in the cold November rain