
and it's hard to hold a candle
Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003 - 10:02 pm
heart attack on my way to Chicago in Daliy City

prestently listening to:mothers stoopid fountain. i gotta pee again

intentions to: i guess, go to bed?

soberity level: whatev

last night i went to go see Chicago in daliy city. it was me, BP, david, his girl and marco with his girl. we were about to enter the theater building when there was a camotion a little ways down the street. there was a mercedes stopped, blocking traffic and a woman screaming. someone said "hes having a heart attack!" so, i asked BP to hold my purse and sprinted to the scene. the driver of the mercedes was in fact having a heart attack. when i got there, i took his pulse, of which was none and listened for breathing, again none to be found. the man lay trying to gasp in his seat, unable to move yet conscious in a state of shock. we managed to get the seat reclined so that i could start CPR. CPR was continued till the fire department arrived at which point i simply walked away after grabbing a girl helping me and told her she did a good job. i don't know how the man is. i very much assume he lived as he was fighting to do so the entire duration of the event. i walked away and decided i didn't wanna know. i mean, its just as well, i did my part. i watched my movie, a little shakey, went home, did BPs hair as promised and went to bed. much later in the evening he (BP) called me a hero. told me i was brave. i thinks its sick that anyone with the training wouldn't try. but, ya. that was my good deed for the week.

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in the cold November rain